8 Tableaux of Demanding Props

The workshop-performance 8 Tableaux of Demanding Props that I initiated and developed together with Karól Kvaran, took place from March 18-22 and was a collaboration between architecture, dance and film students, who produced and presented full-scale sketches, dance and film sequences , convoluted in the attempt to make new spatial transitions and scenographic imagery between places, situations and attitudes. It took place in ‘Slottet’ (The Castle), in the old Carlsberg brewery in Copenhagen. The students worked in groups, tutored by the associated teachers: Jeremy Nelson from The Danish National School of Performing Arts, Morten Meldgård from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture and The National Film School of Denmark along with the two dancers from New Movement Collective in L ondon: Jonathan Goddard and Joe W alking.

8 Tableaux of Demanding Pr ops was a prelude to the dance perf ormance Casting Traces - Copenhagen tha t took place in ‘Slo ttet’ August 2013.

Copenhagen, 2013