Attending Spaces
‘Attending Spaces’ was the fir st in a series of site-specific performances. In a close collaboration between architect and performers, hybrid methods were explored in 1:1 and iterated through improvisations at the performance venue, Testbed 1. In ‘Attending Spaces’ the performers Harvey Lancaster-Rous, Letizia Binda-Partensky, and Sophie Connon will engage in Sisyphean manual labour. The performance continuously evolved over the four days, within a space filled with slowly hardening concrete canvas off-cuts. Concrete canvas is a geo-textile used for large-scale landscaping projects. The audience were encouraged to come back and witness the progress of the performance. Social interactions should define the built envir onment. A subset of these social interactions are tasks, chores and work, we do to create and main tain relationships in our everyday lives. This task making is central to the research project’s choreographed investigation, in shaping a new kind of spatial awareness.
The project has been made possible in collabor ation with late Will Alsop, director of aLLDesign and Anna Furse from Goldsmiths University.
The Danish Arts Foundation, Dreyers Fond and Danish A ssociation of Architects have supported the pr oject.
Photos by Chloe Tun Tun
Bermondsey, London, 2017